Generosity is a matter of the heart.

The reality is that our heart is where our treasure is. If our focus is upon the things of this world, then that is where we will invest our efforts, energies and resources. But if our focus is upon the things of God, then our efforts, energies, and resources will be aimed in such a way as to advance his kingdom and to proclaim his good news of salvation.

When you choose to give financially and of your time and talents to the work of the church, then you are making a deliberate choice to focus on the things of God--and this is a good thing. Do not be fooled by this world. All of this stuff is temporal. If you are a Christ-follower, be encouraged to give and give generously to that which advances the kingdom of God instead of the kingdom of the world. 

What does this all mean for me?

It means that if you choose to become a member of FKBC, you are expected to invest well the resources you have been given by God--time, talents and money. This means, in part, that a first portion of these are to be given in service of the Lord Jesus.

We unapologetically challenge our members to grow in their giving of these resources. 


What is the best way for me to give financially?

We would encourage you to develop a plan for giving your offerings. This plan should be consistent (choose weekly, bi-monthly, monthly), systematic (giving based upon a percentage of your income), and growing (decide how you will grow in your financial giving over time). 

When we gather for worship on a weekly basis, we intentionally provide an opportunity for each person present to participate in making an offering unto the Lord. This offering is not to appease an angry God or to gain his favor, but it is in response to his gracious work of salvation in our lives. He gave generously by sending his only Son, Jesus Christ (John 3:16), so we give as a way of declaring our gratitude. But we also give as a way of demonstrating our trust in his ability to make provisions for our needs. It all belongs to him, so we demonstrate that understanding when we give our offerings.

4 Ways You Can Give:

  1. Set up Floyds Knobs Baptist Church as a "Bill Pay" option through your bank's online banking platform.

  2. Write a check payable to Floyds Knobs Baptist Church.

  3. Donate cash and place it in an envelope with your information (so that you can receive credit for your 501(c)(3) contribution).

  4. Click the link below and give online by credit/debit card or directly from your checking/savings account.